Essentials for Your Visit

Welcome to Ras Al Khaimah! To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we’ve gathered some key information you should know before and during your visit. From travel tips to local customs, here’s everything you need to navigate Ras Al Khaimah with ease.

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General Information


Language: Arabic is the official language, but English is widely spoken.


Currency: UAE Dirham (AED).


Time Zone: Gulf Standard Time (GST), UTC +4.


Emergency Services: Dial 999 for police, 998 for ambulance, and 997 for fire.

Health and Safety


Health Services : Ras Al Khaimah is equipped with several reputable medical facilities. Saqr Hospital is the largest public hospital offering a range of services, including emergency care. RAK Hospital is a private facility known for its high standard of medical care and also offers emergency services.


Health Insurance: Visitors are strongly advised to have health insurance that covers international travel. Check whether your policy applies overseas for emergency expenses like medical evacuation and treatment.


Public Safety: While roads in Ras Al Khaimah are generally in good condition, driving styles can be aggressive compared to what visitors from Western countries might be used to. It is important to remain cautious, especially on highways.

Beaches in Ras Al Khaimah are clean and well-maintained, but always heed local warnings and flags indicating swimming conditions. Lifeguards are present at public beaches and pools at most times.

When hiking in the Jebel Jais mountains or other areas, always carry enough water, use sunscreen, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather conditions. It is safer to hike with a guide or in a group.


Public Health:

Water Quality: The tap water in Ras Al Khaimah is safe to drink, but due to its high mineral content, many residents and visitors prefer bottled water.

Vaccinations: No special vaccinations are required for entry into the UAE; however, visitors should be up to date with routine vaccinations. During periods of increased health alerts, additional vaccinations may be recommended.

Heat and Sun Exposure: With high temperatures especially prevalent from April to September, it is crucial to avoid heatstroke and dehydration by staying hydrated and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun during peak hours.


Local Health Regulations:

COVID-19 Guidelines: As health guidelines can change based on global health situations, always check the latest COVID-19 travel regulations and safety measures before traveling.

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in public areas and inside most buildings. There are designated smoking areas which should be used by those who smoke.

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Weather and Best Time to Visit


Climate: Subtropical arid climate. Summers (April to September) are hot and humid, while winters (October to March) are mild and pleasant.


Best Time to Visit: November to March, when the weather is cooler and suitable for outdoor activities.

Transport Information


Driving: Driving is on the right-hand side. An international driving permit is required for visitors who wish to rent a car.


Public Transportation: Limited public buses are available. Car rentals and taxis are recommended for convenient travel within the emirate.


Arriving in Ras Al Khaimah: Ras Al Khaimah International Airport (RKT) is the main gateway. Alternatively, Dubai International Airport (DXB) is about an hour's drive away.



Wi-Fi: Available in hotels, cafes, and public areas. Visitors can also purchase local SIM cards for mobile data.

Local Customs and Etiquette


Dress Code: Conservative dress is recommended, especially in public areas. Beachwear is acceptable at beaches and hotel pools.


Behavior: Public displays of affection should be minimal. Alcohol consumption is permitted in licensed venues only.


Ramadan: During the holy month of Ramadan, eating, drinking, and smoking in public are prohibited from sunrise to sunset.


Festivals: Check local listings for cultural festivals and events, which are vibrant displays of the emirate’s traditions.

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